
Showing posts from March, 2021

Pandemic Presents

  I am a person who has the gift to make lemonade out of lemons. I’m going to try and help you make something with the presents the pandemic gave us all. My favorite pandemic presents are podcasts. This month I’ll breakdown my favorite pandemic presents into two sections.  Educational Presents Akimbo In Our Time The Rational View Biography Presents In Plain Sight y Smartless Here’s The Thing I hope you don’t return your favorite pandemic presents even if Samuel Jackson tells you to return them for cash. 


I was diagnosed with MS three years ago. I’m starting to learn more about MS everyday and I hope to share my experiences with the over two million people who also have MS. My hope is to use a concept from Seth Godin of reaching the minimum viable audience . We are all different, but we share the same disease.    Snowflake The frustrating aspect of MS is that everybody has different symptoms. This is why it is deemed a snowflake disease. Some people with MS are in wheelchairs and some can walk normally. I can walk, but MS causes me to loose my balance and my temper. This happens infrequently and is called an MS episode.  I take an MS drug called  Ocrevus  .  It prevents further advances of the disease and works for me!  Unfortunately there isn’t a cure yet. The drug is administered via an infusion once every six months.  It has a 45% effective rate per the FDA. Once I sat next to a person at the infusion center who was on the same drug and angrily shared with me that he didn’t experienc

Let’s Land This Plane

After the hopeful speech from our new president last Thursday night it appears we need to start planning for a post pandemic existence. This week we will examine what elements should survive. There are several items that can be improved too.  We will try to land our wealth advisory plane on each runway. Please put your face mask on before putting a mask on your coworkers.  The runways are ready for our arrival so please buckle up.   Good Advisors Many firms have realized the importance of good advisors.  Wall Street took a pay-for-play approach and it eventually backfired.  The Morgan Stanley exit from The Protocol  was a stop-loss move. The beneficiaries of The Protocol  were clients and breakaway advisors.  Recently Schwab  made a big policy change too.  Like the exit from The Protocol the Schwab change is in response to overpaying recruiters. Only time will tell if the impact of both moves is ephemeral.  Remember past performance is not an indication of future performance.  I’m bias

You Can’t Write

  Teachers and contemporaries have opined that I am not a good writer. Many advisors have a low opinion of their own writing skills as well. I was fortunate to work with a group that helped me love writing. This week I’ll share what I learned. Hopefully it will encourage you to start writing ASAP. Our world has changed and the most effective approach to telling others what we know and believe is through writing on any compliance approved social media platform. The three exercises I continue to use are: Morning Pages Writing is a habit we can embrace through Morning Pages.  Many writers write everyday.  What they write doesn’t matter as much as writing itself.  Like any new habit you will improve each day.  I have found that I enjoy the exercise and daily writing is my runners high.  I used my best Morning Pages as chapters in my book and several blog posts.  Established writers also use their Morning Pages for TV Episodes or Movie scripts.  Even though I will never turn pro I can still