
Showing posts from January, 2020


As we enter a new decade we need to evaluated how we can improve personally and professionally. Our blog this week will focus on professional improvements. The changes are driven by technology and can seem overwhelming. We will examine three areas. We need to understand where we came from and how we are to proceed. Our industry is changing. Hopefully we are progressing too. Investments When the independent wealth management industry began. Many of the advisors and their clients came from the accounting industry. The professionals were expert at planning but they were difficient in managing publically traded securities portfolios. This reality created an opportunity for DFA to help. $160 billion of client assets and got the attention of other money management firms. The  ETF evolved. Today most new investment $ are flowing into ETFs and DFA is restructuring. I’m confident the next decade will produce new investment solutions.  ETFs and DFA will feel like yesterday’s news. 

Happy 2020

Welcome to the new year and the new decade. I hope all of your resolutions are realized. This post will continue to share my social media recommendations. In 2019 I made two social media resolutions. I achieved one and the other of creating my own podcast never happened. This year I’m adding a resolution to partner with an independent RIA. That keeps me below Duchess Meghan who has 4 resolutions. The rise in the new number of podcasts is creating a capacity challenge for me and my Apple Podcast App, but it should create demand for this monthly missive. Biography   The evolution of podcasts has caused more interesting people to agree to podcast interviews. My favorite this month is Dolly Parton’s America . Dolly has a heart and her professional drive can inspire us all. Training  I will admit it in 2020 that I’m fixated with HBS!  My favorite podcast is The Disruptive Voice with Clayton Christensen. His books are great and his classes are always full, but his podc