Summer Camp

Summer camp can be magical. I was reminded of this when I took my daughter to camp yesterday. She was so excited, and it reminded me of how much I loved camp when I was her age. How can I regain that magic?

Like any business problem, there are three ways we can regain the magic:

 1.) Family/Friends:  It's summer. Your kids don't have school, and in August, all of Europe and most of the US is on vacation. No excuses. Plan something away from your office with your family and friends. Shut down your phone/iPad too. The world will not stop, and the depressing stories will remain the same. 

 2.) Music: Summer songs warm your heart! Please listen to my favorite summer song. Feel better? 

 3.) Books: I know we are all sick of reading about the Euro crisis and the US election. Use your free time to read some good books.

I have a few that I have already read, and some that are on my list to read this summer that you might want to check out.

1.) No one defines and lives happiness better than Garry Marshall, creator of Happy Days. His book, co-authored by his daughter, My Happy Days in Hollywood is a page turner.

2.) Clayton Christensen has written a follow-up to his classic, The Innovator's Dilemma entitled, How Will You Measure Your Life? He applies successful business practices to your personal life. He wrote the book to address one of the top questions he receives from his students at Harvard.

3.)  Daniel Pink's Drive is a book that I continue to reference in my career. If you enjoyed Outliers and haven't read Drive, you should.

Books I plan to read:

  Younger Next Year by Henry S. Lodge MD and Chris Crowley. This turning 50 thing has caught my attention. 

My business partner says Thinking Fast and Slow is the best book he has read in the past five years.

 Fifty Shades of Grey by E L James. Admit it, you are curious, too, about why this book remains on the top of the best seller list.

Have a magical summer.


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