
When huge events take place in our country our reaction is to demand change.  This week we read about how many people want to defund our police.  The power of our checks and balances system is alive and well!  Our blog this week will summarize other times in our past that our citizens demanded change.  Many demands die, but the ones who do not die create lasting change.


Occupy Wall Street

 In 2011 a group decided to camp out in Zuccotti Park near Wall Street to protest many historic issues starting with Income Inequality.  The issues were real, but the movement wasn’t well organized, and the issues didn’t resonate with enough people.  Unfortunately, most of the issues remain.  As Malcolm Gladwell writes in his book Tipping Point the tipping point must be exceeded to promote change.  Occupy didn’t reach a tipping point.



 The Police killing of George Floyd reached a Tipping Point.  History, racial misunderstandings and cell phone video have caused us to seek change.  De-funding and policy changes will have an impact.  It does feel like this time is different.  We can thank social media and video for this change. Our friend’s YouTube series helps us understand.  As we tell ourselves and our children be careful on what you post.  It will remain on your permanent record.  We hope this reality survives longer than the Civil War monuments…     



Independent Wealth Management

Our industry has benefitted from Wall Street’s mistakes.  Our asset growth confirms clients agree.  We need to ensure that our actions do not help others to vote to defund us.  Our next growth chapter needs to embrace what other successful protests embrace.  An organized message communicated through video and social media.  Our 100-year history can be improved, and we hope that a post or a video from our “private” meeting is not our tipping point.      



Andy Warhol claimed we all had 15 minutes of fame.  We hope he was wrong.  We also hope that Jack Dorsey does not call us with a Fact-check notice.


  1. It rhymes


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