

Our world has changed and the impact is causing gridlock.  This week we will examine the gridlock in the independent wealth advisory business. Unfortunately,  political pollsters missed these changes too. We hope we can help avoid similar mistakes. The areas our blog will examine are essential to our industry’s evolution. We will begin with with predictions and end with the effective checks and balances established by our forefathers. 


We yearn for someone to predict the future. Our older clients believe there are analysts that can help qualitatively. Millennials demand a process that is more quantitative. These two different opinions have supported Passive and Active funds. We need to accept we won’t change minds and need to move forward. The current older clients believe they are correct and the younger generation “doesn’t get it”. This is gridlock and only time will solve these differences. It wasn’t that long ago we believed that a woman would never win an election. 

Type A Leaders

If we take two unique paths that will require an effective traffic cop. Historically this has been a Type A leader who would shout orders. This command and control style worked for some, but it failed with Millennials. We need a leader that communicates with both groups. That is a difficult task, but we need this new leader if we want to grow. The leader is a Type G leader. 

Checks and Balances 

Our founders created laws that should solve most lingering disagreements.  When the courts make final decisions we need to accept them and move forward.  If they got it wrong we need to change the rules.  This balance is what has made our country and business survive.  

Gridlock can stimulate change.  Hopefully, we don’t misinterpret gridlock as failure.   Independent Wealth Advisory and Democracy still work. 


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