

We are required to make numerous decisions in our personal and business life. Unfortunately, each decision is multi faceted and there is no definitive answer. How do we make and communicate our decisions? The reality that they are multi faceted needs to be understood. We also need to accept that all of our decisions could be incorrect and adjusted.  While I write this blog using my experience. Most of my opinions are erroneous. This week I’ll share some of my experiences and decisions. 



We don’t like to pay fees. This has caused many companies to hide the fees we pay. Eventually the hidden fee amount will become so large the companies that subsidize the hidden fee will reach a pain threshold. Recently, Apple reached this level. The ultimate arbiter is usually the judicial system. This changed wealth management and it could ultimately change phone apps. The problem is someone has to pay. 


We follow people indiscriminately, which can make us feel like lemmings. We need to careful who we listen to and follow. Their advice might work for them but it isn’t always appropriate for our situation. The vaccine is a great example of this conundrum. Several lemmings follow their brethren to a untimely death. We want to live. 


Our big problems have invisible characteristics. Our ability to identify these problems is essential to our progress. We need to first identify our challenges and then create solutions to solve. Invisible problems are often solved by painful tests. We need to grit our teeth and accept this reality. 

We need to examine who is making our decisions. We can do a better job than AI.  


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