Let’s Land


We need to land our plane and get back to work. The training and technology helped us get from point A to point B and survive. Now we need to land using our skills and the help of the technology. The airport will tell us if we are too high or low as we approach the field. Our ability to land is a combination of our approach and the skills we have learned. The landing and the takeoff are when most of our problems occur. We need to organize all that we have learned and land the plane. 

We  are gullible. Examination of the “solutions”will show that they aren’t credible. The solutions are lucky and don’t have longevity. Does our advisor implement these solutions personally. My experience is they don’t.  Ask for proof and don’t be gullible. 

Our life is unpredictable. Once we realize that reality we search for a person that can “accurately” predict our future. The prediction is a guess that is wrong more that it is correct. We need time to accurately examine the predictions. We want to believe but experience and time prove that predictions are guesses that feel good but have a short life. 

Emails can create more problems than they solve. The risk is who we blind copy on our emails. Attorneys and regulators will examine your emails because they are stored in your digital files.  The interpretation of the email’s intention can be different for the person you send it to and the regulators who will read the email. If we add a blind copy our regulatory risk increases. Water will ultimately find its level

The tone of this blog will evolve to our new post pandemic realities.  We need to take the booster shot and realize we aren’t the expert.  We need help to land the plane.


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