Stop Judging

I have known that I have MS for over four years.  My doctors believe I have had MS for over twenty years.  Initially, When I received this diagnosis  I was very opinionated when I saw disable people. I assumed the worst. As a currently disabled person I can educate and warn you regarding things you shouldn’t say to me or disabled people..  This blog will educate on my disability. The places it manifests itself and how you can react and support me and other disabled people.

The three items are:

1.) Needing a walker

2.) Government disability 

3.) Falling

MS causes me to loose my balance and fall.  The walker prevents this reality  I look at walkers as being as sign of old age,  I was incorrect and a good walker is an aid!  With a walker I fall less often.  I might look old, but I am OLD!

Our government provides support to the millions of MS patients in the US.  Support is through Social Security and must be approved.  I am approved. The service can be cancelled if i get a full time job. I want a job….

My MS causes me to loose my balance and fall.  The walker and my Physical therapists help me stand- up. Being disabled is difficult by over time I have figured out how to adjust to my disability.  Time is a great cure. 

Thank you for helping me up if I fall.  Since there is no cure for MS I appreciate your help. Help feels good:)


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