After THE Vaccine

We are all in this together hoping for a vaccine. What will our new/old life look like after 85% of us take the vaccine?  Our blog this week will discuss changes we need to consider for our independent wealth advisory business. We don’t provide definite answers just three items we should consider. 


Many people live far away from the office and the shutdown has showed us all how much time we waste in our cars  or on public transportation. Time savings during the pandemic have increased our productivity. What will we do with this time after we have a vaccine? The excuse of I don’t feel safe won’t work anymore. We need to be careful what we wish for and shift our focus to what is our time worth? A house in the suburbs and a large office don’t seem as valuable as a vaccine. 


What does your manager do now?  Mangers were charged with “walking around” to inspire the troops and to watch what they were doing. Do you miss them and will a Zoom call work as well?  At least a Zoom call is scheduled. As a former manager it feels like we need to collaborate on what advisors, clients and investors really need. A Zoom Room and an old fashion phone helps. Both don’t need a vaccine. 

Value Prop

When I read a firm’s website it feels like we are ALL are doing the same things. What can be learned from looking at our computer screen?  Will our gaze change stock prices or create more accurate financial plans?  Our experience is that reading and in person communication will help. Neither  require a vaccine. A recent survey by the consultants at McKensey showed that the firms that grew during the pandemic did one of four things. All four strategies were implemented before we found a vaccine. 

We seem to be on the right path to discovering a vaccine. In the interim let’s  look for improvements in our business and personal lives.  Colorox is not the answer. 


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