
I have experienced that most of the prescribed milestones in my life are ephemeral. They do feel good initially, but the positive feelings don’t last. The established milestones of academic or professional achievements can be listed on our resume or academic record which might help when we remember the milestones. The most difficult milestones are repeated for effect. I’m impressed by a person who went to Harvard or worked at Goldman. I remember my first day at First Boston (Before CS). The reception area confirmed my professional achievement. Unfortunately it was ephemeral.  This week I’ll cover where we are focusing our attention. I’ll also share what I tell everyone who resigned from my firm.  

The grass is brown everywhere.”

We need to be flexible regarding our goals. Facts change and we need to adjust our goals to embrace the new facts. This sounds easy, but it is very difficult. There are numerous people who won’t allow a change. It is our responsibility to explain why we are changing. Hank Paulson was expert at adjusting and explaining why. That trait helped him be a great corporate executive and a good treasury secretary. 

Who is the boss?  As we struggle with immunizations we should ask who should we listen to?  Growing up it was easy. We listened to our parents and teachers. As we became adults we retained their power. Sounds great, but who should we follow. The answer isn’t obvious. Often times we follow the people who pay us or that have impressive credentials. The vaccines have numerous people behind them. Who has the authority to lead us?  My vote is Dr Fauci.  

The buck/bus stops here. Where is here?  The final decision is either made by a single person or our group. Most businesses have a structure that the decision is made by the founder or majority owner. This structure works for the founder but it can frustrate the other owners. The decision regarding whether to ban former President Trump from Facebook showed that even an outside group wanted the final endorsement of the founder. Frustrating- but it shows the reality of a flawed corporate structure.

As we come out of our quarantine we need to accept that many of our decisions will be ephemeral. That is a reality that shouldn’t prevent us from doing something. We can always pivot. 



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