Choose a Lane


Large firms make frequent changes to senior managers. These changes have significant impact on the advisory business. The new managers will usually implement a new strategy. The changes might not resonate with you and the new managers will also bring in their own people. Change is binary. We need to choose a lane.  

Dear John AI

AI seems to be the solution to all of our business problems. I have personally experienced AI in my new job search. The AI endpoint is typically a Dear John email telling me I’m not a good fit. The AI program is written by young professionals. I’m not young. My experience does not show up on AI screens but my age does. A Dear John email is still painful. 

Press Release 2.0

We need to inform others about our company. Historically we have issued a press release. The internet has reduced the cost and the effectiveness of press releases. Social media is free but bad social needs to be improved. Press releases only told half of the story. The balance of the release was explained by the print media and the salesforce. Social media posts can learn from old press releases. 

Binary Opinions 

We think in binary terms. We are with or against most topics. There is more to it than binary beliefs. We need to examine why we believe what we believe. It is based on a social media post or is it based on deeper examination. Let’s slow down and realize we are not a computer and that speed can hurt. Kahneman was correct. We need to think slow. 

Enduring societies and Wealth Advisory Firms give their citizens and clients an opportunity to choose a lane. We need to listen to their choices. 


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