Next Book

Writing is the new selling. I’m planning to write my second book. The title will be Money Myths. My writing teacher Seth told me I would write numerous books before I retire from writing. It is a title I learned from my longtime colleague and friend Ken.  He always asked prospective clients why money was important to them ? The answer promotes a meaningful conversation. My experience is that advisors impose their personal beliefs on the answer. In this book I will examine questions and answers that are based on experience and facts. The book will be short and organized in two sections. Myths and Solutions*



We always need to be on the lookout for new clients and advisors. The challenge is what each want to be charged. The clients demand a low fee and the professionals want to be paid a high wage. The conflicting needs are exasperated by the companies desire to scale. Is it possible for us to meet all of the demands of our clients, investors and our professionals?  Seems difficult.


We are sold stories from people in our lives. The people outside of our family are bosses and mentors. Unfortunately both are conflicted and might not share the same beliefs that we have. Our boss and many of our mentors are motivated by profit and compensation. Both are pyhric. We need to spend quiet time identifying what motivates us.  It might be different than our bosses and mentors. 


FinTech has become the answer to our problems. Unfortunately the tools and their output can be erroneous. We need to understand the inputs and the outputs of FinTech tools. Technology can’t replace many of the processes a human provides. It is incumbent on us to step in and insure the output is credible. 

My new book will be a good short read. 


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