There is no “I” in Team


Talent and coaching are essential to success. The talent is important, but a coach is needed to orchestrate and complement talent with teammates that can make the talent achieve their maximum. The coach creates the optimal mix in The Olympics and Wealth Advisory. 

We often make knee jerk decisions. The fast decisions feel good, but they are often erroneous. We need to slow down and analyze our decisions before we make them. It has won a Nobel Prize and we need to follow the slow lead. 

Waiting is easier said than done. Our legal and investment process takes time to reach a conclusion. The participants will feign innocence and the ability to DIY. The process and the facts will prove who is correct. The challenge is to wait until all of the information has been presented. We might be surprised by the winner.

The pandemic has caused us to reevaluate our work priorities. While we might not need to spend our time on commuting to work. We realize that our most precious resource is time. This realization translates into what job is the most important. Our important jobs are greater than the compensation. They need to speak to our heart and mind. The most important job at out firm should become the Human Resource Director. The HR professional does have a selfish agenda. They want to help us become a better and happy professional.

We all want to pick Durant.  He will help us win, but we also need Pop to pull the right levers.  

My first negative comment was from CBS Sunday Morning.   Honored they watch me too….


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