
 I believe that senior citizens are discriminated against. The frustration is that senior’s have a lot of life experiences we need to share. Making the decision to write off a senior is a mistake. We won’t make this mistake on our podcast. We need to listen and respect our elders. 

Our elders demand our attention while they are still alive. I’m not dead yet!

Technology has created FOMO. How we accept and deal with this reality can be overcome. Start with not checking your Facebook feed. Nobody had as good of a life as Facebook depicts. 

My brain spins like a Ferris Wheel. I need to take a deep breath and ask it to slowdown. The mind has its own speed. We need to accept this speed and ask it to slowdown. Our elders live at a slower pace.  So should we…

The reason we enjoy certain people is an intangible. That quality exists but it is unique. Good friends have this but putting your finger on the specific is challenging. Good people have an intangible glow. 

Don’t shoot 

Quotas miss the mark. We are more than our gender, race or age. Quotas miss this reality and assume we all resemble the quota. 


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