Life is Difficult

I was diagnosed with MS one and a half years ago.  The shocking news took a while to sink in, but the M Scott Peck quote has continued to reverberate in my head – “Life is Difficult”.  Our blog this week hopefully educates you on MS and the support that the million plus patents in the US need.  This is NOT a pity party, but it will share many items that I think we can use in our Wealth Management business as well.

Snowflake Disease

When my Dr. told me I had MS my initial reaction surprised her.  I shared that I regretted never contributing to The Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon.  She smiled and said that telethon is for Multiple Dystrophy not Multiple Sclerosis. I needed to do some research on MS.  I was frustrated and scared by what I found on the internet.  It seemed like everyone who had MS experienced different symptoms.  Some were in a wheelchair, but some appeared to be fine.  The internet search (SEO) put the negative symptoms at the top of our search.  My wife and family were concerned.  The support groups I attended didn’t help. The bottom line is that much like wealth management – everybody is different.


There are over two million people globally that have MS.  This large number has attracted the attention of Biotech companies like Genentech to come up with a drug to prevent MS from spreading.  Unfortunately, there is currently no cure.  Since my MS was diagnosed before I experienced any symptoms that required me to use a wheelchair or even worse caused blindess!  The Genentech drug Ocrevus appears to be working and importantly my Health insurance with a supplement from a Genentech group has allowed my family to pay for the drug. My recent MRI showed that my MS lesions were not spreading!  A knowledgeable doctor was also a necessity to identify the new drug and to educate and encourage me and my wife to get involved.  All of the advice my doctors gave me wasn't as well received as my drug treatment.  My doctors have agreed that I shouldn't drive.  Spending time in the passenger seat watching other drivers I believe my doctors need to share their driving advice with local DMVs.  Finding a knowledgeable wealth manager who uses the latest tools to help your portfolio is also essential.  You will not find solutions for MS or your portfolio on TV commercials.  Life is too difficult.


Since MS is a snowflake disease you need to have a support group who accepts your malady and doesn’t fall into the trap of saying “I know a person who has MS and they are fine, or You seem fine to me”.  Your support group needs to accept your new reality and just love you.  Sounds easy but it isn’t.  My support group has introduced me to MS doctors and has provided me and my family emotional support.  I’m not the same person I was before I contracted MS but now that I’m taking Ocerevus I believe that I’m not getting worse and this loving support group is also strong medicine.

Life is difficult, but we all need to find a group to support us on The Road Less Travelled.


  1. Hi Jeff - I just wanted to let you know that I Know a person with MS and I am fine. Also, I seem fine to me :-)

    PS Balog says hello!

  2. Jeff, thank you for your insights, your writing is beautiful.


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