Perfect Podcasts

Perfect conversations and Podcasts are in the eye of the beholder.  My podcasts and my children are perfect in my humble opinion.  I continue to simplify this monthly summary to organize the list and hopefully you will agree with me.  Apple has a head start with their star based rating system. Twitter followers and downloads matter too.  This month has some new items I hope you like too.

Business Podcasts

My new favorite is Naval - How to get Rich.  I've found that this podcast delivers ideas that will cause you to think and falls into my perfect podcast group.  My advice is to listen to each podcast numerous times.  Our first impression might be wrong.


We all need a break from our daily life and from academic content.  I love movies and live theater as an escape from daily life.  Drama podcasts with a good script and good actors are perfect.  My favorite is 1619.  This podcast is a double whammy.  It is moving and it educates us on the history of slavery. 

There are no perfect podcasts but I'll keep looking and hope I don't get an email from Nancy Pelosi.
In the interim I will take the approach of Brandt Jean and forgive.


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